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3 Reasons Why You Should Not Ignore Getting Lash Refills

For those Ocean Eyes, as Billie Eilish talks about, you need to take care of them. Your natural eyelashes need a little more supplement to give you those radiant and sharp eye looks. Lash extensions are an answer to the gorgeous eyes that you dream of. While getting your appointment for the lash extensions is definitely something to look out for, you must not forget one of the key lash extensions services. Getting your lash extensions refilled is as important as getting your lash extensions itself.

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If lash extensions are the locks then refills are like its keys. The two go hand in hand and should not be compromised. Many people think that just getting lash extensions is enough whereas that is absolutely a fad. Every good lash extension place, like the lash extensions Knoxville has to offer, will suggest you get further appointments for refills. Now, why are they important?


If you really want your eyes to look naturally beautiful and have that luscious voluminous look, pay attention because here are three reasons why refills are your saviour. Take a close look-




Every hair follicle has its own cycle of growth and re-growth and so does your eyelashes. When you fill out the empty spaces with lash extensions, just like your hair in any other part of the body, eyelashes too shed. When an eyelash sheds, pay attention to its extension, it marks a sign of re-growth. Our eyelashes too have a regrowth cycle which activates when an eyelash sheds.

Hair tissues are different for different people and the same applies when it comes to one’s lash lines. Some people have a very slow natural hair growth rate, for such individuals, getting eyelash extension refills are a blessing in disguise. Consult your stylist to schedule your appointments as per your growth cycle.


Lash extensions have an advantage that it is no artificial means and sets your natural discourse of lash line growth. But sometimes while this happens, your lash extensions might shift from the original lash line. When this happens, the lash droops or falls in the worst-case scenario and leaves the lash line looking very abrupt.

Sometimes such a situation might arise if you are not particularly shedding any eyelashes. What is important is to make yourself aware of such a possibility. Speak to your lash artist and let them decide on how frequent you need refills to ensure such unpleasant scenarios don’t arise.

Value for money

You take the attempt of searching for “lash extensions near me”, then book an appointment, visit the lounge to get the service done. All of this is an investment of time as well as money and they shouldn’t go in vain. Doing the right kind of research is very important and also to get an expert opinion. The expert lash artists in Wisplashes, for instance, will always assure you with the best of their guidance and practices. When you familiarise yourself with what the right needful expected are, you will not be disappointed.

Final Word:

Getting the lash extensions is the first step and it needs to be followed up by aftercare and refills. When you do not go for further refills, you are basically inviting yourself to square one. You will end up right where you started and would it not then feel like you are being cheated? Don’t let that happen to you and get your refills on time before your lash line starts to look like a frail feather.

You might join a new beauty trend bandwagon of lash extensions but little knowledge is dangerous. Congratulations on deciding to have taken a natural process of making your eyes look gorgeous but be aware of the whole process. By now you must have understood just how important lash refills are and they shouldn’t be discarded as an option. If you want your eyes to keep bedazzling, you must schedule your next appointment with your lash artist as soon as possible. Remember your eyes is a reflection to your soul and even more a reflection to your confidence. Never let yourself have a dull moment and slay like the diva that you are always.