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The Reason Why You Should Never Remove Your Lash Extensions at Home


Everyone wants a fresh and gorgeous look in this fashionable world. Eyelash Extensions are the modern way to get a luxurious look. It also saves our precious time and effort to magnify our facial look without using makeup products.


Long-wearing eyelashes will give you a gorgeous look wherever you go. For a female, her eyes are a mirror of glory and confidence. Every female in the world dreams of having long, healthy, and volumized eyelashes that add extra flairs in her beauty and look.

What to Expect From Your First Eyelash Extensions Appointment

Eyelash extension will enhance your natural eyelashes that help lighten you from all the hassle and magnify your natural beauty.

Eyelash extensions work wonders to magnify your makeup looks, but they have an expiration date like many things in life.

During this pandemic, things are getting worse than ever. Many people are facing difficulties in beauty routines. Many lash lovers completed their lash fill-ups before the lockdown. Others may be delayed their regular lash fills that won't be possible because of this lockdown situation.

'We can remove lash extensions at our home without a lash extension professional.' - We heard it on many YouTube channels or read it on many eyelash extension site's blogs, so this is all fake information that is spread on the internet.

One thing you should have to keep in mind - "there is not any proven process of removing eyelash extensions at home."

There are many safety reasons you should not remove your eyelash extensions by yourself at home:

Reason #1:

Rubbing your eyes when you wear eyelash extensions can damage your natural follicles and prevent your hair growth. Even never try to remove your lashes by rubbing your eyes and take care of your natural growth cycle.

Reason #2:

Many fashion blog sites recommend taking the hot shower to remove the eyelash extension at home. It is more dangerous to take a hot shower to remove the lash extension. It can cause permanent damage to your eyes.

Reason #3:

Pulling out lash extensions can cause permanent damage to your natural lashes. Do not try to pull out your eyelashes as those are attached to your natural eyelashes. It will harm your eyes and prevent the growth of lash hairs.

Reason #4:

Electric Curlers are available in the market to shape your eyelashes. But it can harm your natural lashes and also disturbs your natural growth cycle. Do not use any electrical or unverified products on sensitive eyelashes.

We mentioned primary reasons to not try to remove eyelash extensions at home.

So How Can We Take Care of Eyelash Extension at home?

  • Sleeping with makeup is not a good habit and also not suitable for eyelashes.
  • Do not sleep on your face position as it will create friction to your lash extensions and damage your lash extensions and natural lashes.

  • Use the best eyelash conditioner to keep your lash's life healthy and long-lasting.

  • Oil-based makeup products are not suitable for lash extensions. Try to avoid oil-based makeup.

  • Never Use oil-based makeup removal with lash extensions.

Pro Tip:

Used Best water-based makeup removal with your lash extensions to keep it healthier and fluffier. Do not try to pluck or pull lash extensions by yourself, as it may harm your natural lashes. Never try to remove your lash extensions by yourself at home.

Wrapping It Up:

So, do not use such fake techniques to remove your lash extensions by yourself. It may harm your natural lashes and skin around your eyes. Beauty always comes with confidence and nature, do not violate its rules by applying false methods.

While all of the product based removal options are inexpensive, the process takes longer. Using oil-based products can also cause reactions to the skin. We recommend coming to an experienced, trusted, licensed lash studio-like Wisp Lashes. Not only will we remove your lashes safely, but we can also provide you the best lash care facility.